Sunday, December 30, 2007

Being Present

On the eve of 2008, we talked about being "present" in yoga and in our daily life. This sounds so elementary and yet when you think about it; it can solve so many of our perennial dissatisfaction's: being able to release the past and accept the current situation for what it is, also giving up on trying to see over the horizon line and worrying or living for the future.

Sometimes my business self is not as good at this as my personal self. So much of business is planning ahead, projections, goals. I dream of seeing PositiviTee flourish and be a positive influence on many lives, also raise much needed many for nonprofits. Yet, I do believe if I plug away and allow the business to grow organically rather with a traditional corporate approach; it will happen.

Let's all remember to be "present" in 2008, that alone can make it a wonderful year.

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